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I support and guide people to step into their power and design the life they desire by teaching business, marketing, branding, UX design, and transformational coaching tools they need to navigate the material modern world.


I am passionate about tapping into the golden middle between pragmatic tools and energetic principles. I believe that the merging between businesslike structures and divine awareness gives us the space to be fulfilled personally, professionally, and financially.

I offer a fine blend of down-to-earth tools along with the mindset fundamentals through The Path of the Purposeful Brand.

Some time ago, I experienced a profound sense of dissatisfaction and lack of fulfilment in my life. The absence of direction and the feeling that I was not living up to my potential weighed heavily on me. A constant sense of searching for something elusive left me feeling unfulfilled.

For a long time, I yearned for a life that offered more freedom and meaning, as well as safety and comfort. All I wanted was to have flexibility with my work schedule and be in service. I took on freelance jobs and volunteered tirelessly in the hope of finding temporary satisfaction. I gave it my all, constantly seeking validation and trying to prove myself, but deep down, I knew that I was not recognized for my actual capacity nor for using my time to build up my sovereignty and independence. 

I persisted in searching, volunteering and travelling to find my place in the world. However, I soon realized that this way of life was unsustainable. I was stuck in a limbo between settling for less and always seeking more. I was tired of convincing myself that I should be content with what I had and not ask for more. Eventually, I realized that this limited way of thinking was holding me back and hindering my personal growth.


Everything changed when I stopped waiting for job opportunities to come my way and began creating my own. I took matters into my own hands and tapped into my true calling. I developed my brand and began maximizing my abilities and skills. It took immense courage to admit that my current situation was not fulfilling, but I was brave enough to allow myself to desire more. I took a leap of faith, followed my heart, and built an integrated and whole lifestyle where my work, brand, and personal life are all aligned. And you can do it too!

You deserve to live your best life! You are meant to feel driven, focused, purposeful, free, and overflowing with abundance. The power to transform your life lies within your hands. It is time to embrace your true potential and create the life you've always dreamed of. 

You are the Hero of your own Life!

My Mission

I envision a world with empowered human beings thriving in tune with nature.

A world in which people cultivate the energy of creation within them, thereby attracting beauty effortlessly into their lives and expanding it outwards.

My World Vision

My purpose is to support people to truly serve themselves so they can better serve others and the planet. I believe that living the truth of who we are, creates a life of abundance at all levels and replicates its benefits to the environment.

My Life Purpose
My Compass of Values

I live by a set of values that support me in living the truth of who I am.

Freedom - Having the opportunity to follow the longing in my heart and having the ability to make positive and impactful choices for the world.


Purpose - Inspiring the world to connect with their purpose, as in our purpose lies the key for humans to be in service of others and the planet.


Integrity - Walking the talk and embodying what I stand for. Staying true to what I believe in and acting according to my ethics.

Safety - Holding space for myself and others while creating trust and vulnerability by showing up with all my insecurities, fears, and pains and fostering genuine connections.

Care - Helping, supporting, and uplifting the energy of the tribe, bringing a touch of sweetness to everything I do.


Celebration - Enjoying the small blessing of life and tapping into gratitude for all the beauty surrounding us.

I am here to help people reconnect with their heart's longing and go full-time with their purpose.


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I grew up in Lisbon, Portugal, and went to Amsterdam International Business University, where I started my journey of becoming an entrepreneur. I explored event management, marketing, and project development in eco-places and communities. There, I created artistic, social, and environmental projects and gained more tools to continue my digital nomad journey. I have been deepening my learnings on UX Design, Branding, Coaching, Group Facilitation, Yoga, Movement, and Energy Healing, and have been pursuing the path of freelancing and entrepreneurship for 5 years and dropped the idea of building a CV to appeal to employers to hire me. Instead, I focused on developing projects that touched my heart and served me in my journey.

Here is a brief of what I have been doing before I got into coaching entrepreneurs.

My Background

Holacracy in Eco-places & Communities

Organizations can thrive through collective intelligence, I truly believe in that! That is why I have pursued co-implementing Holacracy, a decentralized management and organizational governance system. Holacracy distributes authority and decision-making through circles of self-organized teams as opposed a regular hierarchic management. With this experience, I have developed my skills in interpersonal and cultural communication, conflict management, adaptation and exclusion processes, non-violent communication, group dynamics, team building, leadership, and mentorship.

Marketing & UX Design at the Catfarm Community


The Catfarm is an eco-place in the South of France that experiments with new ways of living and working together with nature. There, I energized the Marketing & UX Design roles and restructured the management and marketing systems. The place is now thriving with all of its beauty and magic.

Social, Artist & Environmental Project Development in NGOs


Grant Writing, Project Management, and Space Holding have been a big part of my career. I designed and led youth exchanges, trainings, and workshops for young adults through the Erasmus+ and European Union that aim to empower youth from minority groups or social, economic, or geographically challenging backgrounds and apply non-formal education.

Digital Marketing Communication Strategy for Hedoné Berlin


This was the beginning of my career in marketing and business, while at University I developed a Digital Marketing Communication Strategy for Hedoné Berlin to enter The Netherlands. Hedoné is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that raises funds and supports groups fighting against Female Genital Mutilation. Hedoné is also an artist collective that creates educational events such as seminars, retreats, workshops, art exhibitions, and performances in different locations across Germany, Poland, France, Mexico, and The United States.

Our mission is to help conscious entrepreneurs, ethical brands, and wellness businesses scale their impact and revenue through intentional marketing solutions. We bring together creativity, integrity, and expertise to craft and refine brands that deeply resonate with your audiences and values. Together, we create success stories that inspire and contribute to a better world.

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